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Flowers on a balcony


Business Development Manager - Microsoft

Utkarsh Amitabh started Network Capital with the fundamental belief that everyone has something to learn and something to teach. Utkarsh works at Microsoft and is a World Economic Forum Global Shaper. He was one of the 50 World Economic Global Shapers selected to represent the community of over 7000 at the Annual Meeting in Davos. Utkarsh is the Torchbearer of the Young India Fellowship and an MBA from the INSEAD-Wharton MBA program where he was recognized as the Andy Burgess Scholar for Social Entrepreneurship. He has recently been handpicked by as one of the 1000 global leaders to work to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Utkarsh is a published author and his articles have appeared in QZ, Indian Express, Scroll and World Economic Forum website. He is a charter member of the Indian Debating Union and has acted in one of the world’s longest running plays

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