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Flowers on a balcony

Ms. Shikha Uberoi Bajpai


Shikha Uberoi Bajpai is the co-founder of India, a global, video platform enabling engagement and sales for e-retailers and brands. She also creates and produce feature film and television formats with her media company Impact Media 360 which endeavors to mainstream social change through programs with purpose. She mentors, advises, and serves as a trustee for various startups in a range of sectors. She is a mentor for Facebook She Leads Tech, NCode, and Round Glass Fund. 

Prior to co-founding India and Impact Media 360, Inc. she was a professional tennis player reaching top 100 on the WTA Tour and winning India a silver medal at the Asian Games. She graduated from Princeton University with a BA in Anthropology and a minor in South Asian Studies. She is honored to have won Princeton's prestigious Kit Harris Memorial Award for Leadership and Ethics.

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